时间:2019-12-28 20:35 来源: 作者: 点击:次
1、重便真的残酷,而轻便真的美丽? Light weight is really cruel, and really beautiful? 2、人是为了反抗过去才成就未来的。 People from the past to the future. 3、媚俗的根源就是对生命的绝对认同。 The root of the vulgar is absolute identity of life. 4、你说的都是真的,但有许多真的没说。 All you say is true, but there are a lot of really haven't said. 5、清净,就是不被人注视的那种温馨感觉。 Clean, just don't be looking at the kind of warm feeling. 6、当北极近到可以触到南极,地球便消失了。 When the North Pole near enough to touch the Antarctic, the earth will disappear. 7、爱情一旦公之于众会变得沉重,成为负担。 Once the public would become heavy love, become a burden. 8、人们忽视自己的身体,是极容易受其报复的。 People ignore their own body, is extremely vulnerable to its revenge. 9、他孤立在过去的一旁,他孤立在未来的一旁。 He isolated in the past aside, he isolated the side in the future. 10、压倒她的不是重,而是不能承受的生命之轻。 Crush her is not heavy, but unable to bear the light of life. 11、就凭他是个陌生人,便超越于所有其他人这上。 With he is a stranger, and high above all the others on this. 12、乐趣不论平凡还是不平凡,只属于感觉到的人。 Fun both ordinary and extraordinary, only belongs to those who feel. 13、生小孩的前提是,你已经证明了人生是快乐的。 Is the premise of having children, you have proved that the life is happy. 14、在每个角落,都潜藏着**,未来成了一个迷。 Lurking in every corner of the temptation, became a fan in the future. 15、对伊甸园的怀念,就是人不想成其为人的渴望。 Miss of the garden of Eden, is people don't want to be man's desire. 16、真的,有些书是要白天读的,有些书只能晚上读。 True, some books to read during the day, some books can only be read at night. 17、谁无感情投入,谁就无权干涉对方的生活和自由。 Whoever has no passion, have no right to interfere in each other's life and freedom. 18、比喻是一种危险的东西。人是不能和比喻闹着玩的。 Metaphor is a dangerous thing. Man is a metaphor can't joke. 19、表面是清晰明了的谎言,背后却是晦涩难懂的真相。 Surface is clear lies, behind is obscure the truth. 20、这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。 This is a popular leave world, but we are not good at farewell. 21、生命中有太多事,看似轻如鸿毛,却让人难以承受。 There are too many things in life, seems to be as light as a feather, but hard to bear. 22、惩罚一个不知道自己在做什么的人,是野蛮的行径。 Punish a don't know what you're doing, is a savage. 23、生命中不能承受的,不是存在,而是不能其为自我。 Life can't bear, not to exist, but not for self. 24、一切谎言的根源来自私人生活领域与社会生活的分界。 All lies at the root of the boundary from personal and social life. 25、人们指望不朽,可是忽视了不朽与死亡一起才有意义。 People look to immortality, but ignored the immortality and death together. 26、表面上是明白无误的谎言,底下却透出神秘莫测的真理。 Unmistakable lies on the surface, actually passes under a mysterious truth. 27、上帝已死在失火的天堂,只有温情的太阳才能照耀大地。 God is dead in the fire of heaven, only the warmth of the sun can shine on the earth. 28、爱开始于一个女人某句话印在我们诗化记忆中的那一刻。 Love begins with a woman something printed on our poetic memory of that moment. 29、当你在我面前时我就开始怀念,因为我知道你即将离去。 When you are in front of me when I began to miss, because I know that you are about to leave. 30、当我们不再关心别人看我们的方式时,我们便不再爱他了。 When we no longer care about the way others see us, we will no longer love him. 31、他站在窗前,目光越过庭院,盯着对面房子的墙,在思忖。 He stood by the window, looking across the courtyard, stare at the wall of the house opposite, in thought. 32、我寻求的不是快感而是幸福。没有幸福的快感算不上快感。 I seek not pleasure but happiness. No pleasure is not the pleasure of happiness. 33、背叛,就是脱离自己的位置,背叛就是摆脱原味,投向未知。 Betrayal, is out of their place, betrayal is to get rid of the plain, into the unknown. 34、羞耻的本质并不是我们个人的错误,而是被他人看见的耻辱。 The basis of shame is not our personal mistakes, but that this humiliation is seen by others. 35、视觉受双重限制:让人什么也看不见的强光和完全彻底的黑暗。 Visual double restrictions: let a person what also can't see the light and completely completely dark. 36、令她反感的,远不是世界的丑陋,而是这个世界所戴的漂亮面具。 To her disgust, is far from the ugliness of the world, but the world by wearing beautiful mask. 37、无所事事的人是失落的人,他厌倦,永远在寻找他所缺少的行动。 An idle person is the person who lost, he tired, always looking for his lack of action. 38、最糟糕的不在于这个世界不够自由,而是在于人类已经忘记自由。 The worst is not in this world is not free enough, but freedom is that humans have forgotten. 39、在这个世界上,一切都预先被谅解了,一切也就被卑鄙地许可了。 In this world, everything is forgiven in advance, everything is mean to license. 40、如果生活中的第一次彩排便是生活的本身,那生活有什么价值呢? If the first rehearsal for life is life itself, and what is the value of life? 41、因为在这个世界里,一切都预先被原谅了,一切皆可笑地被允许了。 Because in this world, everything is forgiven in advance, everything is ridiculous to be allowed. 42、如果往事不能在与朋友的交谈中被一而再,再而三地提及,就会消失。 If the past is not in conversation with a friend over, repeatedly mentioned, will disappear. 43、把自己的身子交给他人的眼光去评判,这正是产生不安和怀疑的根源。 Give his own body to judge other people's eyes, this is the root cause of anxiety and doubt. 44、经文循环往复,犹如朝圣者的双眼离不开故土,犹如临终者不忍离世。 Scripture cycle is a pilgrim's eyes leave the land, like a dying person to death. 45、在被遗忘以前,我们会变为媚俗。媚俗,是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。 Before the forgotten, we will become vulgar. Vulgar, is a hub between existence and forgotten. 46、缓慢的程度与记忆的浓淡成正比,速度的高低与遗忘的快慢程度成正比。 Slow degree is proportional to the shade of memory, the speed of height is proportional to the speed of. 47、自学者和学生的区别,不在于知识的广度,而在于生命力和自信心的差异。 Since the difference between scholars and students, does not lie in the breadth of knowledge, and the difference lies in the vitality and self-confidence. 48、如果母性是一种大写的牺牲,那么做女儿的就是永远无法弥补大写的过错。 If motherhood is a kind of capital of sacrifice, so do daughter is forever cannot make up for the capital's fault. 49、爱情并不是通过**的欲望体现的,而是通过和她共眠的欲望而体现出来的。 Love is not by a desire to have sex, but by the desire to sleep with her and show up. 50、岁月使夫妻两人成为双胞胎,他们有同样的词汇,同样的想法,同样的命运。 Years of husband and wife two people be twins, they have the same vocabulary, the same idea, the same fate. 51、在时间的轨道上,人们想象有一条线,超脱了这条线,当前的痛苦便不复存在。 In the track of time, people think there's a line, devoid of the line, the current pain ceased to exist. 52、看一看当一个人抛弃了所有他一直都以为是使命的东西。生命中还能剩些什么。 See when a person is abandoned all of the things he always thought it was a mission. Life is what can be left. 53、独特的人,当他们成功地让别人尊重他们的独特性时,会有一种相当漂亮的人生。 Unique people, when they successfully make others to respect their uniqueness, there will be a very beautiful life. 54、最沉重的负担同时也成了最强盛的生命力的影像。负担越重,我们就越真切实在。 The heaviest burden also has become the most powerful vitality. The heavier the burden, the more we true reality. 55、我离你很远,我没有什么可以跟你说的,可是我就在这里,而且我知道你在那里。 I'm far away from you, I have nothing to say with you, but I am here, and I know you're there. 56、人们回忆起的过去没有时间。不可能像重读一本书或重看一部电影一样去重温爱情。 There is no time to recall the past. Can't be like read a book or watch a movie like to go back to love. 57、爱情总是要给自己编出美丽故事的,爱情一旦产生,就会开始说得像天方夜谭一般。 Love is always to make a beautiful story to her, once produced, love will begin to speak like a fable. 58、他知道自己处在无法辩解的境地,因为这一境地是建立在完全不平等的基础之上的。 He knows that he is inexcusable, because this situation is built on the basis of complete inequality. 59、待她不好的不是他,而是他的记忆,他无能为力,是记忆将她从爱情区域排除出来。 Treat her bad not him, but his memories, he could do nothing, is memory will she removed from love area. 60、我坚信,唯美的标准并不来自上帝,而是来自魔鬼。在天堂中,没有人能区别美与丑。 I firmly believe that aesthetic standard is not from god, but from the devil. In heaven, no one can be the difference between beauty and ugliness. 61、生活时常会让我们感到艰辛,并会让我们无数次目睹生命在各种重压之下的扭曲与变形。 Life often makes us feel hard, and will let us witnessed countless times life in all kinds of pressure distortion and deformation. 62、美就是被背弃的世界。只有当迫害者误将它遗忘在某个角落时,我们才能与它不期而遇。 Beauty is being betrayed the world. Only when the persecutor mistaking it forgotten in a corner, can we meet by chance with it. 63、当心灵在说话,里指出来高声反对,是不恰当的。在媚俗的王国,实施的是心灵的专制。 As the heart in to speak, pointed out loud, is inappropriate. In the kingdom of the vulgar, is on the implementation of the tyranny of the mind. 64、如果我们生命的每一秒钟都有无数次的重复,我们就会象耶稣钉于十字架,被钉死在永恒上。 If every second of our lives with and without repeated several times, we would like nailing on the cross, Jesus was crucified on the eternal. 65、但是如果我们突然意识到了自己的卑贱,逃到哪里才能避开呢?只有逃向崇高借以逃避堕落! But if we suddenly realized that he had humble, to avoid anywhere? Fled to the sublime so as to avoid depravity! 66、一种被搞糟了的价值和一种被揭穿的幻想都一样可怜,它们很相近,两者太容易被混为一谈了。 By a mess up the value and the illusion of a debunked are poor, they are very similar, both are too easy to confuse. 67、两个人彼此靠近总需要超越某种相异性,而拥抱的一瞬之所以醉人就因为它只能是一瞬的时间。 Two people close to each other always need to go beyond a certain phase of the opposite sex, and embrace the moment of intoxicate is because it can be a moment of time. 68、朋友,我请你做个幸福的人。我有个隐约的印象,我们唯一的希望取决于你有否能力做个幸福的人。 Friend, I ask you to do a happy person. I have a vague impression that the only thing we want to depend on you have the ability to do a happy person. 69、与女人**和同女人睡觉是两种互不相干的感情,前者是**—感官享受;后者是爱情—相濡以沫。 Having sex with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two unrelated emotions, the former is lust - sensual pleasure; The latter is - caring and love. |